Publications and Reports
Horne, B.D., C.M. Poole, and A.D. Walde. 2012. Conservation of Asian Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles: Setting Priorities for the Next Ten Years. Recommendations and Conclusions from the Workshop in Singapore, February 21-24, 2011. Wildlife Conservation Society/Turtle Survival Alliance. 28pp.
E.K. Latch, W.I. Boarman, A.D. Walde, R.C. Fleischer. 2011. Fine-scale analysis reveals
cryptic landscape genetic structure in Desert Tortoises. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27794.
Turtle Conservation Coalition [Rhodin, A.G.J., A.D. Walde, B.D. Horne, P.P. van Dijk, T.
Blanck, and R. Hudson (Eds.)] 2011. Turtles in Trouble: The World’s 25+ Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles – 2011. Lunenburg, MA: IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, Turtle Conservation Fund, Turtle Survival Alliance, Turtle Conservancy, Chelonian Research Foundation, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and San Diego Zoo Global, 54pp.
Harless, M.L., A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, L.L. Pater, and W.K. Hays. 2010. Sampling
Considerations for Improving Home Range Estimates of Desert Tortoises: Effects of Estimator, Sampling Regime, and Sex. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:374-387.
Esque, T.C., K.E. Nussear, K.K. Drake, A.D. Walde, K.H. Berry, R.C. Averill-Murray, A.P.
Woodman, W.I. Boarman, P.A. Medica, J. Mack, J.S. Heaton. 2010. Effects of subsidized predators, resource variability, and human population density on desert tortoise populations in the Mojave Desert, USA. Endangered Species Research 12:167-177.
Walde, A.D., A.M. Walde, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2009. Burrows of Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) as Thermal Refugia for Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) in the Mojave Desert. Southwestern Naturalist 54:375-381.
Stevenson, D.J., J.G. Palis, A.D. Walde, and C.J. Thawley. 2009. New Distribution Records
for Georgia Amphibians and Reptiles. Herpetological Review 40:247-249.
Radzio, T.A., J. Hackler, A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, M. Hinderliter. 2009. Terrapene Carolina (Eastern Box Turtle) and Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher Tortoise). Interspecific Interaction. Herpetological Review 40:217
Radzio, T.A., J. Hackler, A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, M. Hinderliter. 2009. Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher Tortoise). Emergence Behavior. Herpetological Review 40:77
Walde, A.D., and S. Lindey. 2009. Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Burrow Associate. Herpetological Review 40:75
Harless, M.L., A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, L.L. Pater, and W.K. Hays. 2009. Home Range,
Spatial Overlap, and Burrow Use of the Desert Tortoise in the West Mojave Desert. Copeia 2009:378-389.
Delaney, D.K., L.L. Pater, L.D. Carlile, D.J. Stevenson, and A.D. Walde. 2008. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Response to Nest Depredation by an Eastern Rat Snake (Elaphe alleghaniensis). Southeastern Naturalist 7:753-759.
Walde, A.D., A.M. Walde, and D.K. Delaney. 2008.Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Predation. Burrowing Owl. Herpetological Review 39:214.
Walde, A.D., P.J. Baker, and R.A. Saumure. 2008.Glyptemys insculpta (North American Wood Turtle). Hatchling Behavior. Herpetological Review 39:81-82.
Walde, A.D., and R.A. Saumure. 2008. Glyptemys insculpta (North American Wood Turtle). Maximum Clutch Size. Herpetological Review 39:82.
Walde, A.D.,and T.P. Christensen. 2007. Terrapene carolina (Eastern box turtle). Anthropogenic threat. Herpetological Review 38:334-335.
Delaney, D., L. Pater, T. Radzio, J. Hackler, A. Walde, and M. Hinderliter. 2007. Response of Gopher Tortoises to military training operations: preliminary data. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122:3058-3058.
Walde, A.D., J.R. Bider, D. Masse, R.A. Saumure, and R. Titman. 2007. Nesting ecology and hatching success of the wood turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, in Québec. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 2:49-60.
Walde, A.D.., D.K. Delaney, M.L. Harless, and L.L. Pater. 2007. Osteophagy by the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Southwestern Naturalist 52:147-149.
Walde, A.D., M.L. Harless, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2007. Anthropogenic threat to the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): Litter in the Mojave Desert. Western North American Naturalist 67:147-149.
Strong, J.N., and A.D. Walde. 2006. Geochelone carbonaria (Red-footed Tortoise). Swimming. Herpetological Review 37: 457-458.
Saumure, R.A., A.D. Walde, and T.A. Wheeler. 2006. Non-Predatory fly larvae
(Delia platura: Anthomyiidae) discovered in the nest of a common map turtle (Graptemys geographica). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5: 274-275.
Walde, A.D., M.L. Harless, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2006.Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Diet. Coprophagy. Herpetological Review 37:77-78.
Walde, A.D., and R.A. Saumure. 2006. Apalone ferox (Florida Softshell Turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review 37: 77.
Walde, A.D., D. Delaney, L. Pater, and M. Quillman. 2006. Desert Tortoise Research at the CERL Study Site on Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: Third Year Report, 2005. Report to USA ERDC/CERL, Champaign, IL, USA.
Walde, A.D., D. Delaney, L. Pater, and M. Quillman. 2005. Desert Tortoise research at the CERL study site on Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: Second Year Results, 2004. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 59 pages plus appendices.
Walde, A. 2004. Desert tortoise remote sensing database. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA. 38 pages.
Walde, A. and L. Bol. 2004. Activity patterns of Desert Tortoises at the CERL study site, National Training Center, Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: First season results.
Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 112 pages plus appendices.
Walde, A., L. Bol, D. Delaney, and L. Pater. 2003. The Desert Tortoise: A preliminary analysis of operative and environmental temperatures. Report submitted to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Ventura Field Office. 17 pages.
Walde, A.D. 2003. Proposed location for the CERL automated radio-telemetry study site at Fort Irwin. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 23 pages.
Walde, A.D., J.R. Bider, C. Daigle, D. Masse, J.-C. Bourgeois, J. Jutras, and R.D. Titman. 2003. Ecological aspects of a wood turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, population at the northern limit of its range in Québec. Canadian Field-Naturalist 117: 377-388.
Meyer, K.D., A.M. Walde, and A.D. Walde. 2003. Breeding season ecology, distribution and density, and conservation needs of the Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) in Georgia. Avian Research and Conservation Institute, Gainesville, FL. Report submitted to Georgia DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame-Endangered Wildlife Program, Forsyth, GA.
Walde, A.D. 1998. Ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, Québec, Canada. MS. Thesis. McGill University.
Walde, A.D. and J.R. Bider. 1997. Demographics and nesting ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, in the Mauricie Region, Québec. Report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 40 pages.
Walde, A.D.1997. The ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, in Québec, Canada. Ministry of Environment and Fauna Wildlife conference proceedings. Trois-Riviere, Québec. 3 pages.
Walde, A.D., and J.R. Bider. 1997. Wood Turtle Project La Mauricie, 1997. Preliminary report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 3 pages.
J.R. Bider, and A.D. Walde. 1996. Communal nesting activity of the Shawinigan River Wood Turtle (Clemmys insculpta) population. Report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 26 pages.
J.R. Bider, and A.D. Walde. 1996. Wood Turtle Project La Mauricie, 1996. Preliminary report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 3 pages.
E.K. Latch, W.I. Boarman, A.D. Walde, R.C. Fleischer. 2011. Fine-scale analysis reveals
cryptic landscape genetic structure in Desert Tortoises. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27794.
Turtle Conservation Coalition [Rhodin, A.G.J., A.D. Walde, B.D. Horne, P.P. van Dijk, T.
Blanck, and R. Hudson (Eds.)] 2011. Turtles in Trouble: The World’s 25+ Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles – 2011. Lunenburg, MA: IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, Turtle Conservation Fund, Turtle Survival Alliance, Turtle Conservancy, Chelonian Research Foundation, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and San Diego Zoo Global, 54pp.
Harless, M.L., A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, L.L. Pater, and W.K. Hays. 2010. Sampling
Considerations for Improving Home Range Estimates of Desert Tortoises: Effects of Estimator, Sampling Regime, and Sex. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:374-387.
Esque, T.C., K.E. Nussear, K.K. Drake, A.D. Walde, K.H. Berry, R.C. Averill-Murray, A.P.
Woodman, W.I. Boarman, P.A. Medica, J. Mack, J.S. Heaton. 2010. Effects of subsidized predators, resource variability, and human population density on desert tortoise populations in the Mojave Desert, USA. Endangered Species Research 12:167-177.
Walde, A.D., A.M. Walde, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2009. Burrows of Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) as Thermal Refugia for Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) in the Mojave Desert. Southwestern Naturalist 54:375-381.
Stevenson, D.J., J.G. Palis, A.D. Walde, and C.J. Thawley. 2009. New Distribution Records
for Georgia Amphibians and Reptiles. Herpetological Review 40:247-249.
Radzio, T.A., J. Hackler, A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, M. Hinderliter. 2009. Terrapene Carolina (Eastern Box Turtle) and Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher Tortoise). Interspecific Interaction. Herpetological Review 40:217
Radzio, T.A., J. Hackler, A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, M. Hinderliter. 2009. Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher Tortoise). Emergence Behavior. Herpetological Review 40:77
Walde, A.D., and S. Lindey. 2009. Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Burrow Associate. Herpetological Review 40:75
Harless, M.L., A.D. Walde, D.K. Delaney, L.L. Pater, and W.K. Hays. 2009. Home Range,
Spatial Overlap, and Burrow Use of the Desert Tortoise in the West Mojave Desert. Copeia 2009:378-389.
Delaney, D.K., L.L. Pater, L.D. Carlile, D.J. Stevenson, and A.D. Walde. 2008. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Response to Nest Depredation by an Eastern Rat Snake (Elaphe alleghaniensis). Southeastern Naturalist 7:753-759.
Walde, A.D., A.M. Walde, and D.K. Delaney. 2008.Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Predation. Burrowing Owl. Herpetological Review 39:214.
Walde, A.D., P.J. Baker, and R.A. Saumure. 2008.Glyptemys insculpta (North American Wood Turtle). Hatchling Behavior. Herpetological Review 39:81-82.
Walde, A.D., and R.A. Saumure. 2008. Glyptemys insculpta (North American Wood Turtle). Maximum Clutch Size. Herpetological Review 39:82.
Walde, A.D.,and T.P. Christensen. 2007. Terrapene carolina (Eastern box turtle). Anthropogenic threat. Herpetological Review 38:334-335.
Delaney, D., L. Pater, T. Radzio, J. Hackler, A. Walde, and M. Hinderliter. 2007. Response of Gopher Tortoises to military training operations: preliminary data. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122:3058-3058.
Walde, A.D., J.R. Bider, D. Masse, R.A. Saumure, and R. Titman. 2007. Nesting ecology and hatching success of the wood turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, in Québec. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 2:49-60.
Walde, A.D.., D.K. Delaney, M.L. Harless, and L.L. Pater. 2007. Osteophagy by the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Southwestern Naturalist 52:147-149.
Walde, A.D., M.L. Harless, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2007. Anthropogenic threat to the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): Litter in the Mojave Desert. Western North American Naturalist 67:147-149.
Strong, J.N., and A.D. Walde. 2006. Geochelone carbonaria (Red-footed Tortoise). Swimming. Herpetological Review 37: 457-458.
Saumure, R.A., A.D. Walde, and T.A. Wheeler. 2006. Non-Predatory fly larvae
(Delia platura: Anthomyiidae) discovered in the nest of a common map turtle (Graptemys geographica). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5: 274-275.
Walde, A.D., M.L. Harless, D.K. Delaney, and L.L. Pater. 2006.Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise). Diet. Coprophagy. Herpetological Review 37:77-78.
Walde, A.D., and R.A. Saumure. 2006. Apalone ferox (Florida Softshell Turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review 37: 77.
Walde, A.D., D. Delaney, L. Pater, and M. Quillman. 2006. Desert Tortoise Research at the CERL Study Site on Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: Third Year Report, 2005. Report to USA ERDC/CERL, Champaign, IL, USA.
Walde, A.D., D. Delaney, L. Pater, and M. Quillman. 2005. Desert Tortoise research at the CERL study site on Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: Second Year Results, 2004. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 59 pages plus appendices.
Walde, A. 2004. Desert tortoise remote sensing database. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA. 38 pages.
Walde, A. and L. Bol. 2004. Activity patterns of Desert Tortoises at the CERL study site, National Training Center, Fort Irwin in the Western Mojave Desert: First season results.
Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 112 pages plus appendices.
Walde, A., L. Bol, D. Delaney, and L. Pater. 2003. The Desert Tortoise: A preliminary analysis of operative and environmental temperatures. Report submitted to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Ventura Field Office. 17 pages.
Walde, A.D. 2003. Proposed location for the CERL automated radio-telemetry study site at Fort Irwin. Charis Corporation, Temecula, CA. Report to DPW Environmental, Ft. Irwin, CA and USACERL, Champaign, IL. 23 pages.
Walde, A.D., J.R. Bider, C. Daigle, D. Masse, J.-C. Bourgeois, J. Jutras, and R.D. Titman. 2003. Ecological aspects of a wood turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, population at the northern limit of its range in Québec. Canadian Field-Naturalist 117: 377-388.
Meyer, K.D., A.M. Walde, and A.D. Walde. 2003. Breeding season ecology, distribution and density, and conservation needs of the Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) in Georgia. Avian Research and Conservation Institute, Gainesville, FL. Report submitted to Georgia DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame-Endangered Wildlife Program, Forsyth, GA.
Walde, A.D. 1998. Ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, Québec, Canada. MS. Thesis. McGill University.
Walde, A.D. and J.R. Bider. 1997. Demographics and nesting ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, in the Mauricie Region, Québec. Report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 40 pages.
Walde, A.D.1997. The ecology of the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, in Québec, Canada. Ministry of Environment and Fauna Wildlife conference proceedings. Trois-Riviere, Québec. 3 pages.
Walde, A.D., and J.R. Bider. 1997. Wood Turtle Project La Mauricie, 1997. Preliminary report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 3 pages.
J.R. Bider, and A.D. Walde. 1996. Communal nesting activity of the Shawinigan River Wood Turtle (Clemmys insculpta) population. Report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 26 pages.
J.R. Bider, and A.D. Walde. 1996. Wood Turtle Project La Mauricie, 1996. Preliminary report to Parks Services, Parks Canada. Unpublished. 3 pages.